Like humans, do the hair of animals also turn white or fall off after a certain age?

Like humans, do the hair of animals also turn white or fall off after a certain age?

The graying hair of a person indicates his increasing age. Which reflects the old age of a person. In such a situation, this question often arises in the minds of people whether animals also have white hair like humans. If not then let’s find out. 

Like humans, do animals’ hair turn white with age?
If you are also troubled by this question, then the answer is yes. Age is one of the most common reasons for pets turning gray. This is exactly the same process that we see in humans as we age. However, unlike humans, dogs do not have all their white hair. With age, most of their graying begins to occur around the muzzle and face. 

However, the hair of some animals starts appearing brown instead of white. Which includes chimpanzee and cat. The hair of these animals starts turning gray with age instead of white. 

Do birds also start turning grey?
Apart from other animals, the effect of age is visible on birds also. However, even in birds, pigment production stops with increasing age. Due to which they start looking brown with age. From this their age can also be ascertained. Apart from this, animals also start becoming sluggish or thin with age. 

Why do hair turn grey?
The question arises that why do hair turn grey, then let us tell you that with age there is a deficiency of essential vitamins in the body. Besides, the production of pigments in the body also stops. Due to which the hair starts losing its color and the hair starts turning white.                  

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